Andreas Wellmann
Fine Art Prints


framed print portrait
Framed Print
8x10" (20x25cm) / 16x20" (40x50cm)


The images on this website can not reveal the true quality of the photographs itself which are produced according to the so called Zone System for optimum quality. Only the original print can show the full tonal range, the richness in detail and optimum sharpness. Those who value expressive black and white original photographs and excellent craft in printing and finishing will find lasting pleasure from these works.

All prints are on double weight, fibre based gelatin silver paper, processed to highest archival standards including selenium toning for permanence and image stability.

The prints are available in 2 sizes:
8x10" (20x25cm),
    mounted on 16x20" (40x50cm).
11x14" (28x35cm),
    mounted on 20x24" (50x60cm).


All prints are dry mounted and over matted on 100% acid-free museum board. They are limited to an edition of 10 per size, numbered and, of course, signed. 

Prices for original prints are:
8x10" (20x25cm)
    € 220 unframed
    € 260 framed
11x14" (28x35cm)
    € 330 unframed
    € 380 framed.

All prices incl. 7% VAT. Postage and packaging are invoiced according to the actual expenses.
    Order here.

The frames are Halbe Alu 8 N. Details of the frame type to be found at:

If you would like to view the prints in original or pick up your ordered prints directly, why not visiting me in my studio ? Let's just make an appointment.

framed print landscape
Framed Print
11x14" (28x35cm) / 20x24" (50x60cm)